Love Divine
How kin I be Glad, with No one Here but Me? 'Cause I feel Very Sad,
and AnyThing but Free! I Think I'll Write a Spell, and See what I can Do…
now, You know Very Well, this Guy's in Love with You! I've Got to
Stay aFloat, conTented, bright in Mood, and Gloom would Sink my Boat
– I Can't afFord ta Brood! So, Heaven, Help me, Please, stay
OccuPied with Good, and ExerCise these Knees, and Bless my
NeighborHood! I've Got a Light ta Shine, which Someone Needs ta See,
so, Bless me, Love diVine, that I might HELPFUL BE! May I reMember
This, that Someone Needs my Care, that If I'd Feel real Bliss, my
Love I Need ta Share!